9 November 2021 – Chairman’s Email to Sr Castro and Mr Barrow About the DOA AGM (28 November 2021)

Chairman’s Email to Sr Castro & Mr Barrow about the Development Owners Association AGM, 28 November 2021 
8 November 2021
Mr A E Fletcher JP, Chairman Club Los Claveles, 98 Bleak Hill Road, Erdington, Birmingham, B23 7BT, UK  email: albertejfletcher@msn.com

Snr Castro and Mr Barrow, Chairman of Onagrup and President of DOA, WimPen Leisure Management S.A.U., C/Los Angeles s/n Bajos Edif. Beverley Hills Heights, 3860 Los Cristianos, Arona, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Dear Snr Castro and Mr Barrow,

Meeting of the Development Owners Association, 28 November 2021

I write to you with my observations in relation to the meeting you have arranged for the above date:

1.        The venue you have chosen does not respect the possibility of owners attending as the cheapest room for an overnight stay is £195.00.  Assuming that Onagrup and  WimPen officials are staying over the cost to the Association is unreasonable.
2.        Minutes from the previous meeting have not been provided and there is no opportunity on the agenda for owners to raise issues from those minutes. Crucially, issues were raised by owners about the lack of accuracy and completeness of those minutes when they were published, and you are duty bound by law to include an agenda item to address them at the following AGM. You have failed to do so.
3.        The calling of this meeting has been rushed. There was no prior notification to allow     anyone to place items on the agenda.
4.        You have not invited Club members even though it has been proven that they are entitled to attend.   You will be aware that prior to Onagrup purchasing WimPen that Club members were invited and did attend DOA Meetings.  A representative of the Club cast all the votes held by the Club.  FNTC, under the Constitution, cannot vote.
5.        In 2014 a resolution was passed at the joint annual general meeting instructing WimPen to send the accounts to Club Members.  This has not been done. The accounts have also not been sent to the Club Committee.  You have no right to present joint accounts to the DOA meeting.  The Club is a separate entity and the accounts and all necessary financial information must be provided to the Club Committee for its approval before any decisions can be made or votes taken.
6.        I cannot see anything in the accounts to reflect the transfer of over 1,200 cancelled weeks which belong to the Club.  This includes purchase cost and maintenance fees.  I do not see any transparency in relation to bad debts from 2015 onwards.
7.        Approximately 75% of all income and expenditure relates to the Club and therefore a minority of Escritura owners voting on the accounts is not acceptable.  The Club Accounts are the responsibility of the Club Committee.
8.        As a result of 5, 6 and 7 I request that no votes are taken in respect of the accounts until the Club Committee is satisfied in relation to these matters.
9.        There are legal/court matters pending in Tenerife that will have a critical bearing on the DOA meeting.
Under the circumstances outlined I request that you do not proceed with the DOA meeting.
Yours sincerely,
Albert Fletcher

Chairman, Club Los Claveles

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