7 July 2017 – Chairman’s Update

Chairman’s Update, 7 July 2017
I write to update you with the latest information I have on the current outstanding issues, and to invite you to support a petition for the reinstatement of our resort staff.
In relation to the accusation made against Carol, by Onagrup staff, of damaging property, the judge in Tenerife ruled that the matter be dismissed due to lack of evidence.  Unfortunately, for the same reason, he also dismissed Carol’s claim against the Onagrup member of staff who assaulted her.

The allegations against Carol and myself for theft (swindling as they called it) have been dismissed.  I have been informed that WimPen / Onagrup were claiming that Carol and I invented ‘Club Los Claveles’ in order to transfer maintenance money for our own benefit.  As Club Los Claveles had existed for 30 years the matter was dismissed.  All charges have been withdrawn.

Carol continues to communicate with the Vice-Consulate about her treatment by the police and the Vice-consulate has taken the matter up with the Spanish Police Commissioner.

Although we hoped to have the final rulings from the Arbitrator by Friday 7th July nothing has been received yet.  As I have explained many times we have no control over this.  We have made representation, through our solicitors, to the Arbitrator regarding the consequences the delays are having for individual owners, and the Club itself.  I can assure you that the committee is as frustrated and disappointed as all of you are regarding the time, and money, this has taken when arbitration was supposed to be a quick and cost effective process.  Rest assured I will inform you as soon as we receive the information, and will explain the implications as soon as I, and the committee, have had time to consider them.

In the meantime the admin team will continue to contact owners, who have paid their maintenance to the Club, prior to their week of occupation to discuss the options available to them.

Thank you for your patience and ongoing support.

Finally, please sign the petition which is now on the website calling for the reinstatement of manager Salvador Garcia, receptionists Sue, Annie and Jarra, and members of our maintenance team while the agreed procedure is followed in consultation with the Committee.
Kind regards,
AEJF Signature

Albert Fletcher
Chairman, Club Los Claveles

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