98 Bleak Hill Road Erdington Birmingham B23 7BT 10 July 2017 |
Data Protection Officer RCI Europe, Kettering Parkway, Kettering, Northants NN15 6EY Dear Sirs Data Protection Act 1998 Subject access request RCI Europe (“RCI”) My name is Albert Fletcher and I live at the above address. My RCI Member number is 2174-01945 and my renewal date is 31-03-2017. I am the owner of Villa 5 Weeks 13,14, Villa 4 Week 24, Villa 73, Week 25 and Villa 58 Week 36 at Club Los Claveles. Los Cristianos, Tenerife. I am also the Chairman of the Club. This letter is a Subject Access Request for information about me to which I am entitled to under the Data Protection Act 1998. Specifically I request a hard copy of any document (including a digital document, web page or SMS text) that either comprises, or relates to, any or all of the following – 1. A copy of any consent for personal data processing I may have given RCI and details as to how that consent was obtained. 2. Details of any of my personal data that RCI has sent or stored outside the United Kingdom and the steps taken by RCI to inform me of this and verify the adequacy of data security in any other country to which my personal data has been stored or sent. 3. Details of anyone with whom RCI has shared my personal data, what personal data has been shared and the reason for the sharing. 4. A copy of RCI’s data retention policy. 5. Any document relating to my membership of RCI and the registration of the above week(s) at Club Los Claveles owned by me, with RCI. 6. The actual or potential suspension or termination of my membership of RCI. 7. The actual or potential blocking by RCI of any week(s) at Club Los Claveles, Tenerife. 8. Any communication whatsoever about me to or from RCI including from any Wimpen or Onagrup company and including, in particular any communication from solicitors representing any Wimpen or Onagrup company and from RCI to such solicitors, which communications as RCI will be aware would not be legally privileged where they are written by Wimpen or Onagrup’s solicitors to a third party (and as such a non-client of the solicitor) such as RCI. If you need any more information from me, please let me know as soon as possible. I enclose a cheque for £10 to cover the usual fee. A request for information under the Data Protection Act 1998 must be fully responded to with 40 days. If you do not normally deal with these requests please pass this letter to your Data Protection Officer. If you need advice on dealing with this request, the information Commissioners Office can assist you and can be contacted on 0303 123 1113 or at ico.org.uk. Yours faithfully Albert Fletcher JP |