1 March 2018 – Advance Notice of Club AGM

To all Club Los Claveles Members
(Copy for information to Escritura Owners )
Important Chairman’s Communication
Dear Member/Owner,
I write to give advance notice that the 2018 Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held on the above date. This date has been chosen as it is in the Resort Closedown giving every member the ability to attend the meeting.
The meeting will commence at 11.00 am and will end on the conclusion of all business.
The AGM is being held at the same venue as last year. The full address is:
Citrus Hotel, Ryton on Dunsmore, Coventry, West Midlands CV8 3 DY
Telephone number for room reservations +44(0)2476 301585
The business to be conducted will be notified to you in the usual way. I will be advising you of all relevant matters on behalf of the Committee in due course but I considered it beneficial to give you as much notice as possible.
The Constitution is the governing document that has to be followed in calling the meeting and issues will be dealt with in accordance with the Constitution. The Constitution is available to view and download from the Owners Website https://www.losclavelesowners.eu
As always, Escritura Owners are welcome but cannot vote.
Yours sincerely,
 AEJF Signature
Albert Fletcher

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